During their secondment at the project partner Region of Murcia, ALICE researchers Dr. Caterina Brandoni (Ulster University/UU,), Dr. Alberto Longo (Queen’s University Belfast/QUB) and PhD Student Mr. Alessandro Simoncelli (University of Macerata/UniMC), from the UK and Italy, presented the project and the work underway at the Universidad Catolica San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM).
During the meeting the research group “Grupo Investigacion Ingegneria del Agua y Medio Ambiente” led by Prof. Carmen Fernandez-Lopez also presented their research work on the theme of water reuse, one of the four main themes of the ALICE project. Prof. Dr. Isabel Martínez-Alcalá discussed “Emerging contaminants in water and sludges”. PhD student Dr. José Manuel Guillén Navarro, discussed the “Study of pharmaceutical compounds in12 wastewater treatment plants, guadalentín river and biodegradation”. PhD student Mariano González-García presented a “Study of pharmaceuticals uptake in vegetables irrigated with water from WWTP”.
The meeting provided the opportunity to identify synergies between the ALICE project and the UCAM research areas on water reuse. Researchers from UCAM were invited to join the workshop on “Water Reuse”, to be organised next year in the Region of Murcia.
The meeting was kindly organised by Mr. Jesus Chazarra Zapata from Region of Murcia in collaboration with Prof. Carmen Fenandez-Lopez from UCAM.