PhD student at the University of Macerata Lorenzo Compagnucci was seconded for a month in Limerick (Ireland) working with project partner Dionegy Ltd and Chief Executive Officer Ms. Rose Lenihan.
At the pictures:
Sharing and developing ideas about challenges and opportunities in innovating in the wastewater market. Compagnucci and Lenihan focused on how academia, innovation centres and companies could collaborate to overcome the issues of wastewater management for addressing the effects of climate change.
Lorenzo Compagnucci, Rose Lenihan and Manager of Hartnett Enterprise Acceleration Centre (Limerick Institute of Technology, LIT) Gillian Barry exchanged best practices on enhancing a three way collaboration academia - innovation centres - companies, to accelerate innovation. Compagnucci and Barry shared different points of view on how to stimulate entrepreneurship among young students and researchers. Compagnucci described the main outcomes of CreaHUB and LUCI, the Laboratory for Humanism, Creativity and Innovation of the University of Macerata. Barry offered an insight of the activities carried on by the Acceleration Centre and its local community engagement.