Date: 8th March, 2018
Location: Oostergoweg 9, 8911 MA Leeuwarden (NL)
10h00 Introduction to Wetsus and WaterCampus Leeuwarden: Mr. Johannes Boonstra and Mr. Cees Buisman, Wetsus Executive Board
Introduction to Region of Murcia: Mr. Miguel Angel del Amor, DG Water of Murcia Region
Regional Questions:
1. How to remove salt from RO brines (Murcia city area) Mr. Juan García Bermejo, UPCT
2. How to remove nitrates from RO brines (Mar Menor area) Mr. Juan García Bermejo, UPCT
3. ALICE Project and Climate Change. New Challenges Mr. Manuel Boluda Fernández, GD Water
4. Water reuse in Murcia Region: Experience, challenges and needs. Mr. Pedro Simón, ESAMUR
5. How to become more water & energy efficient? Water&Energy Mr. Francisco David Gallego, REGENERA
12h00 Lab Tour Wetsus
12h30 Lunch
14h00 Presentation of The EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation
Horizon 2020: opportunities for #water 2018 - 2020. Mr. Pieter de Jong, Wetsus / Coordinator ERRIN WG Water
14h15 Presentation of Company solutions
Companies from Murcia and WaterCampus pitch their solutions for water scarce regions
CETENMA, Mr. Andrés Lara (CEO): LIFE B2E4sustainable-WWTP - New concept for energy self-sustainable wastewater treatment process and biosolids management
AZUD, Mrs. Teresa Munuera, exposition of 2 cases solved by renewable energy and other 2 solved by water efficiency in micro- irrigation.
FACSA, Innovations, Projects, and Technologies developed by FACSA
SaltTech, Mr. Gerard Schouten (CEO)
Water Fountain, Mr. Tor Stolpestad (CEO)
Hydraloop, Mr. Arthur Valkieser (CEO)
16h00 Time for bilateral meetings
17h00 Networking drink, together with WaterCampus Business Café (≥ 20 companies)
19h00 Dinner in Leeuwarden