ALICE project partners gathered in Murcia, Spain for their planned meeting on the 18th, 19th and 20th of June 2018.
The interim meeting of the ALICE project was hosted by the ConsejerÃa de Agua, Agricultura, GanaderÃa y Pesca
of the Region of Murcia. During the meeting, project partners had the opportunity to share diverse aspects of project progress up to now, and set the pace for the upcoming activities. We had the pleasure to be presented with and discuss first hand secondment experiences of our secondees during the first period of the project.
Last but not least, the Representative of the Research Execution Agency of the European Commission Mr. Oscar Punzano was there with us during both days, sharing with us valuable insights on how to optimize the project's impact for the involved partners, stakeholders, the scientific and research community and above all the EU citizens in respect to the hot topic of water management and reuse.